Using Surveys To Find

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How Being Less Extroverted Can Help Your Business And Using Surveys To Find Your People

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so the biggest mistake that direct sellers today are making is that they feel like they have to be an extrovert an outgoing extrovert to be successful in direct sales so we're GNA dive into that a little bit more but I want to just tell you that is just not the case so make sure that you tune in so we can give you some more of the juicy stuff so you'll know why that does not have to be the case for you to be successful welcome to the biggest network marketing mistakes podcast where we share the jaw dropping stories and lessons behind the top 1% Network marketers massive team building mistakes so you don't make them prepare to be blown away as we peel back the layers and expose The Untold secrets and hacks deployed by the industry's finest this podcast is designed specifically for faith-based network marketing leaders who refuse to sacrifice precious family time in pursuit of success ditch the burnout and embrace a life of Freedom I'm your host Megan miles network marketing Pro with over a decade of experience in the field here to serve you let's get started so good I love that oh my gosh you guys I am here with the Miss Inga Fay like this girl is a Powerhouse she's a boss babe she's like should be on the commercials for Miss Boss bab 101 she's in the top 5% of her company she's earned not one not two not three but four diamond rings by the way I will be expecting mine in the mail for Christmas so all right now for diamond ring she's earned two cars and as she and her friend says she is living the dream I am so honored to have her here on our podcast today and our YouTube channel she is somebody who literally just when I think of her I think of like Excellence everything that she does her automations are so fine-tuned her surveys everything she does is like with excellence and she attracts people who want to build Excellence because so yeah you're welcome I'm really excited to be here with you we're g to dive into some like some of the top skill sets that people need and I love that you just open it up with like you know you would think that is so true I never even thought about that because I'm such a social butterfly I do get that a lot they're like well I don't think I can do this or I joined and now I don't think I can succeed because I'm not you exactly exactly tell me more about that so I was that person that said that to my upline and I always felt like I had to be that outgoing extrovert and at some points in my business I did that because I felt like that's what I needed to do to be successful but it never never resonated with me I always felt crummy after I did it and I was wondering if there's any way that I could possibly do something different so I got off The Struggle Bus and was just like hey I am going to crack this code for my fellow introverts and even for those that don't really want to say they're an introvert but they'll be committed to say well I do have those introverted Tendencies so for all of you ladies out there that are like that I am your girl I'm your she leader and I want you to know that you can do this I'm pretty sure that you're probably passionate about that thing that product that service that you sell you just think it's the but what you really struggle with with is that cold Outreach and at the end of the day you know you're outgoing when you kind of know the person you you know it's kind of a warm audience and you've kind of built some no like and Trust kind of things with the particular person that you know okay well this person is cool I can let myself out my shell today they're okay I know that's what I was thinking so I'm pretty sure that's what you guys would be thinking too so if that is you say you want to feel real say you want to build strong authentic relationships with people that would enjoy the product of service that you have and then actually convert them into sales or even recruits does that sound like you girlfriend then I got the perfect solution for you and that and that solution would be surveys surveys allow you to be yourself because what it does is it's it's like your I'll say your digital admin that it goes out there and it says H is she my person maybe she's not my person but if I asked her these questions I'm going to find out if she is and then you may be thinking well could I do this in person no girlfriend we already discuss that you're an introvert with or a person with introverted Tendencies you know people normally raise their hand when I say it that way you're not going to go down 50 million questions asking this person about themselves to kind of figure out if they're your person because first and foremost it's going to make you feel weird you're like okay so am I a news reporter now I'm out here trying to get the 411 on Suzie QQ and she's looking at me like I got three heads you're not going to do it but if you have a survey that will do it for you your digital admin your digital friend and then when you get it back and you look and you say h suszie Q may be my person we need to talk to her further then you can really talk to her and it's not that well I don't know if I should say something to her or should I give her that compliment I know we were always taught that go up and give somebody a sincere compliment and just start talking and I'm just like how does an introvert do that they don't know what to talk about are the purse right it's like shoes are the purse shoes the purse right or a cute kid yeah that was the thing too shoes purse or cute kid it's funny because I have a friend and this is so good thank you I have a friend who um was top leader in my organization and she's one of my you know closest friends and she's very green like analytical you know if you guys know the colors you know blue green yellow red very analytical um type person she's friendly but she has to like make this checklist of how to make friends Almost so like on her notes when we first started like years ago it was go to Starbucks line step one step two look at the person's shoes per or purse do you like them question mark if so give genuine compliment step five meod like literally so so funny and so it's just it's funny because um like to me I'm like oh my gosh like you know I mean she broke it down I guess like I probably couldn't have done that but for me it's very natural right and so when I think about wow but then there's also so many gifts that like introverts have that like I struggle each and every day um try to get better at like calming down Focus you know like thinking before speaking you know like um so that's awesome so so yeah these what I love too is we talked about this the other day is so you're big on surveys and I'm excited because at the end I think you have like a free survey guide for us which I'm really excited because one of the biggest things like especially from cot podcast always like well that's cool I love that I learned that but now how do I actually yeah so knowing step by step and this is great because I think I made like a four minute video like five years ago for our community and um and I'm I'm sure nobody actually used it because I talk way too fast I don't break it down step by step and I know yours is gonna be awesome so I'm excited but but within the survey we were talking a little bit too it's like it's pre-qualifying them yeah totally tell me a little about how we're like using surveys and optins even and landing pages like how we use them to pre-qualify our leads well the thing about that I hold on let me stop real quick because guess what we're supposed to go talk to everybody right like even yeah yeah exactly and I was gonna bring that up see I'm okay go ahead go ahead yeah so I'm in the skincare and Beauty business right so yeah they told us that anybody that had skin was our customer that's what they told us okay so okay for those of you that have been told that I just want to say this not okay not everybody is not your customer everybody does not have everybody that has scan or you know that has abs or whatever they want to tell you is not your customer and that's why it's so important to pre-qualify I'm GNA give you a perfect example okay so when I started this survey game I was kind of using what some people before me had used okay that were extroverts okay and typically the questions that they would ask were centered around our product benefits okay so we're basically asking them what we want to hear essentially so for example I did a survey centered around lip color and some of the questions that I asked well do you want hydration do you want long wear okay y' who's not GNA say yeah they want longwear Hydra I mean you're just going to tell us what we want to hear right but what I realized that after I tweaked and and tormented over this survey and I realize okay I don't need to ask them what I want to hear I want to know what their issue is and if I if I don't ask them what their issue is then they're not going to tell me if I set it up in a way that I just tell just say oh I'm going to write down all the benefits that my lipstick has and I want you to rank them how is that getting down to the bottom of what they really need right yeah so that's what that's what I really realize that I need to make sure that the survey is centered around their woes their struggles their desired outcomes what do they want out of it right so that's that that was like my biggest key learning and then just really making it to the point that based on their answers literally what they tell me is going to identify oh that's my person yeah so and there's an art to that that if when you get the Guide because I don't want to tell you the goods when you get the Guide it's going to tell you EX exactly how to do that okay because typically when we go and talk to somebody we're basically going to ask those questions that we want to hear typically we're not going to ask we're not going to get down to the nitty-gritty of what they really desire what they really need because in our eyes our product is the or our service is the so why wouldn't somebody need it because we've already been told that everybody wants what we have right so that's why I very important just to kind of ask those key questions I love that so that's so great for like especially the product size too I'm just curious like first for people to get a little bit more and I know you're going to go over in the guide but like um actually no I'm just gonna save it they can check out the guide they'll get it in the guide I already know it so I'm not even I don't even pry but um I love that how you use it for products too because like we use surveys um we call them applications right we have an application based model um and we have applications that come in and we use very like questions that again you know we even ask like are you ready to invest in yourself like exactly if you find the right fit again not saying like we need your money right now but if we have a solution for you and we present it and it's a good fit are you ready to to invest in yourself that's that's very important information because if they're not willing to invest in your themselves that's a red flag they're not your person yeah exactly so why even go down the road of wasting your time and and and I've always felt that when with the every Everybody comment that I felt like I had to convince people that what I sell is great there's no convincing y'all you want to find out the people who are going to say yes I want what you have I love it please help me yeah how when can I buy it can I buy it today those are the kind of people that you want you don't want somebody that you have to convince that that your your product is awesome then you have to convince them to buy it then you're going to have to convince them to use it and then I mean it's all of this convincing and it doesn't need to be that hard when you have people out here already saying I love what you have how can I buy it from you how quickly can I get it you don't have to do all of that for sure I love that because guess what that saves time you know oh yeah and energy yeah yeah and I I was you know I was just talking to this Mom at the gym yesterday and she's in a health and wellness company and um you know I just asked her I was like hey could I ask you a question you know around your business real quick I'm doing some market research and you know as a marketer I'm always asking people like what are they struggling with because that just like exactly how to Market what how exactly what they're thinking what they're saying exactly so she said um yeah Brandon I was just talking about Brandon kayin Poland kayin Poland was saying she actually used surveys in her business big time every time she was like what should we sell next she would send a survey to get like information and ask them what they're struggling with and she used that exact copy to write the sales Pages everything and so exactly asked her this and she said um it was kind of like the conversations having people not ready to become like a health coach that's what they call in her business and I asked her a little bit about like well how much time are you spending with that with them she's having like three conversations with people and they get to the point basically where they're like well I can't join right now I don't have the money and it's like it's not they don't mean we know this it's not that they don't have the money it's the fear right but when we you know ask it from the beginning we preframe them so they know this is a sales conversation with service and we will be asking for money right to help you and so when we asked it in the beginning like I just showed her I was like hey before you start anything ask them these two questions like what are you struggling with like what are you what struggle what pain do you need solved and then two if what we have do is a fit are you ready to invest a minimum of 100 even if it's $100 like $50 whatever to solve your solution if it's a good fit right if they say no like awesome here's a video I love you here's my booking calendar M me like seriously oh my gosh but what was like no because there's people that are like yes I'm ready and I'd rather have five quality conversations throughout the then 20 who are GNA drive me bonkers Y and having all the time doing all this time and be that stressed out Network marketer like no I say it's like oh I'll get five out of five maybe only four out of five with a fifth person joining in 30 days right sorry that's my rant no no no I'm with you I mean I totally agree with that and the thing about it is I can think about a time that I had sent out a survey and the woman that I was talking to she had told me her woe so I already knew what it was right and for some reason she didn't want to get on the phone with me and I just thinking okay this is girl you must not really want to do this I said okay but I'm just gonna I'm just gonna see I'm just gonna feel her out just see so we're talking text back and forth about what's going on with her and I notied that she's not answering my questions she's like going around the question so I'm thinking okay well I finally got to the point and said look this is not a good fit I can just tell you're not answering my questions I want to help you but I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on so do you know she writes me back she said oh well my skin is good and I'm thinking okay but you know in the survey you told me it wasn't right so I don't know why you trying to FIB on me right now but you already told me it was jacked from the beginning because that's how we got here and now you're G to tell me that it's great because for whatever reason you don't want to show share the truth with me I just thought that was really interesting that she totally flip the script when you already told me what was up from the beginning so yeah I just yeah yeah it's it's great in that sense where you can you can call them you can call people out I mean I can't help you unless you tell me and then when somebody flips the script like that you already know okay see yeah and you just you just go cut your losses and move on it's just a part not try to like pull them along because like exactly I don't I don't want pull like I want to uplift and motivate I don't want to pull yeah I don't want to pull or convince that's what convincing is is pulling exactly yeah it's funny though we we have people you know who will come in and um you know like I want to make seven figures you know and it's like they don't have $297 to invest in I don't want to say they don't have because I understand people's situations they're not willing to to invest in themselves because I know they can find it I know they have it in a sa and I'm not saying I need it today but and it's not about me right like I'm so flexible with people I'm like look the payment part like isn't even the problem like we can figure that out like can we help you first and then we can find a way to help you like with payment plans right y but they'll just boot around the the financial question um but then they put like they want to make $20,000 a month yep you know so anyways you're always gonna get a couple of those you know oh you are and just roll with it that's the thing about it yeah it's the par principle for sure that you're going to get 20% of your team to generate 80% of the revenue in your business for sure I mean it's just it's just math and and know that going in that that's how it's going to be and it's okay just love them where they are I mean that's what I've I'm a firm believer you just love them where they are they want to do arts and crafts and make pretty stuff then have them work on your you know the stuff for your your team group yeah that you have Facebook we just actually uh put in a uh you just reminded me we put in a um remind me I want to ask you real quick afterwards about like what automations and what's your process after you get the survey but real quick so we just loaded a new me we're loading a new members area for our consultants and in there we created a survey that's like they do on like step two okay there we ask like what's your shirt size what's your favorite perfume um what's uh and then we also ask because if they win stuff like and then what's your shipping address of choice weome stuff so if they win we want to surprise them right if they're killing it right and so anyways we also put in there a couple questions like what motivates you most cash incentives Amazon cars you um why did you join right there you know and I know not everybody has like a ton of people joining you know they but still implement the system but then we ask if you you know lose track from your why how do you want us to hold you accountable and they like yeah that's a good question wow that's a good one like don't bug me at all B you know shoot me a message reminding me of my why or see like you know there's I forget what the options are but anyways we put those in there because and I already had to go and I had a best friend who joined and she filled out the survey and um I'm typically like not in there doing this stuff right because it goes to their upline it goes to their enroller but um I had to go and mess message my best friend and say hey girl I love you but like you put on your survey that you want to make 10,000 a month and I've messaged you three times to help you get set up wow um on here it says that you wanted me to remind you of your goal and hold you accountable how can I best help you right now to find 30 minutes for us to connect and she was like oh snap you're right thank you because I had messaged her four times wow specific company stuff like hey get on this call or when can you know and she literally kept ignoring everything like my best friend right it's so funny it happens to all of us oh it does come in the business and then it's like stuff changes yeah so yeah well see that lets you know the power of the survey for sure yeah for sure for sure so and then just just just just just some food for thought yeah instead of giving them the options like you were telling them a a you know just like say how would you like to leave it yeah just say it yeah I think I think that would be more powerful because like like I was giving like I was telling you in that that that lip color survey thing when you do that it's like you get answers that you never would have thought of and then you get it like you were saying your friend uses surveys to use for her landing pages and all of that she do I'm I'm pretty sure she's probably asking some kind of open-ended question that really where she can hear what the the way they would say it so then the person reading her her Landing Page or her trip wire or whatever it is they're like oh my gosh they were in my head is because she got them she she's using the survey to get how they would say it more so than you telling them how you want them to say it so it's kind of similar to what I was just telling you about the the benefits that you tell them oh I want the hydration I want the wear I want to hide my wrinkles you know that kind of thing so I'm after this I'm GNA go to like our application and our our onboarding survey and kind of look and even like tweak and fine tunes so that's good I love it y definitely goingon to change that though because you're right you're I'm giving them like four options yeah you're giving them the answers you want them to hear of course they're gonna say I want this business please send me a text to hold me I give you permission you know versus letting them truly say what's on their brain yep um so that's awesome so tell me a little bit about tell us about the process you know like what automations you have set up what's the process like do you call them do you have them schedule just your your sales process from receiving the application so typically yeah if I receive yeah when I get the survey based on their answers I will send them my calendar for them to set up a A fitting call is what I call it and and um just basically just get more information about what's going on with them to really determine if it's something that my product would actually help them solve or if it's not that then I could then refer them to something else that I had so I think that's why it's really key to make sure that you're you're collaborating or having power partners with other folks because you may encounter someone that has a struggle that maybe your product or your service doesn't solve but you got suzq over here that you know she kind of does something similar to you and they have different products than the products you have and you could refer her to susyq now granted you may be thinking well I won't get the business but that person is going to love you to death because you were a part of the buying process of her finding the person that had her ultimate solution now does that mean she won't buy something from you in the future she probably would because she'll be like well you gave me the Sue what uh Sally Sue and her service did better than me and I really appreciate that but I still want to support you in your business because you were the one that led me there so that's why it's really important to make sure that you're building those collaborations and power partners with folks that have different Services than you that may have the same clientele as you do but have something different that you provide they I mean they have the same target market but they provide a different service or product so you guys can kind of share um the the customers together so that's just a little food for thought that's why relationships are really powerful to bill um and then after that based on that it would be it would be either I would do some kind of product um appointment where we would talk further about what they needed maybe send some samples out it just depends on what their need is how it would go from there um but I think and I haven't said this yet and I know you are a firm believer in this Megan but we need to make sure that when you are out and about doing your thing I don't mention my company name until after that fitting call that that is when I mention it because if they're not interested in buying something from me why do they need to know what I sell exactly right so I want to get to know them and I've had people say well what do you sell well are you in the market for XYZ well no okay so it really doesn't matter than what I sell other than you just try to be nosy to try to figure out what I sell so yeah what do you think about that um yeah so good I first off I love how you called it power partner that's so good um robber says collaboration is the new um comp competition right oh I like that collaborating and I love even like yeah I'm gonna send you my introvert people and you can send me your extrovert people because I'm over here like teaching people okay get on screen do a webinar dance on a video you know like like you know and you can teach people how to like do the surveys behind the scenes exactly like behind the scenes stuff but I'm like uh I'd rather make 20 Instagram reals then like sit there and make an application you know what I mean like but you can yeah but the thing about it there's a way that you can do it in groups you don't have to do just one-on-one interactions I mean that's the power of surveys too I mean you can do that's good too yeah you don't have to just do it one onone you can just you can do it in a group setting and it it'll work yeah so yeah for sure but yeah no I love how you say like collaboration you know and like I think even you know Brenson you know for those of you don't know so we met Ina and I met in our the twoa club Co Mastermind coaching I don't know all I know is I was okay quick quick story I've been hearing about this Russell Brunson dude for like two years three years my friend was like this is the way to build network marketing like the internet marketing model sales tunnels blah blah blah so I I broke no I didn't break my leg but um I I messed up my sciatica and I was oh wow and I had watched so much Netflix I was like all right I need to watch something good it was bedridden for a week found was on Russell brunson's emails and because I had been on his list never watched anything watched one his videos I was like oh my gosh this guy's good saw that he had an event in Florida with Tony Robbins and oh you um Tony or him Russell I was like I'm going for Tony Robin So within a week I went to funnel hacking live wow was um in the back of the room I didn't even hear Russ pitch for the two comic club and y'all this is like a25 to $30,000 program like for the year and I was in the back of the room talking to this guy though that lowkey in my head he was telling me how much they were making in the year doing Ecom and I all I kept thinking was oh gosh okay I gotta do this if this guy can do it like okay and then all of a sudden I look up and there's like a site and I'm like I don't even know how much this cost I went over to the table got diesel like I have to do this like I have to go to the route and find out how to do this stuff you know so I didn't even hear the whole presentation but anyways just funny story so that's how we met in that program um so here we are today um but he talked about let me Loop this back he talked a lot about too like find people like you said that have a similar target audience and collaborate and share audiences grow together because you can double your audience finding someone who has a similar audience side and also too do your due diligence on those people like the reason I love to part with Ina is because she's awesome but she's like somebody who does not half but it like I know this woman like if she has something for our community it's done well it's done precisely like almost to Perfection and she's just a good person love her so um so yeah that's my those are my the respond thoughts to the collaboration oh yeah I mean I'm all about that I mean and that's one of the reasons why I love it because you're able to do that because one of the things that we learned in that class is that you can either you can build your business one or two ways you can build it with time or you can build it with money you're just going to have to choose so the time side is more of the organic side the kind of collaboration side you know going to people's different podcasts doing Summits um meeting with webinars all that kind of thing and then you have the the paid side where you're doing ads yeah and you know Different Strokes for different folks you just got to kind of choose your path which way you want to go but know that it either you're gonna pay in time or you gonna pay in money but you're gonna pay regardless this is not a free ride just want to put that out so good yes I love that I got to add that in our web our zero burnout blueprint webinar and that we have is literally like half of it is all about that drive how do you drive traffic and it's one of two ways and I love that you just it ain't free but if you can Master how to drive traffic I mean the rest will come together oh yeah for sure it will whichever way you decide and the thing I don't think there's a wrong and a right way I think it's a you just have to decide which way works best for you yeah so yeah we're we're loving um I'm personally loving the advertising side but I love social media I think just right now because now I've learned the advertising it's become kind of fun because so much is automated and I don't have to create content yeah um but I still do organic content because I love it and I love this and I love you know I need human connection so yes um but anyways okay so speaking of human connection um obviously you're a master relationship Builder so what are some of the biggest mistakes you're seeing in people building those relationships and like what's working for you to drive traffic through organic relationships okay so first question what do I think is not working I think the first thing that is not working is for you to send a salesy DM to someone you don't know I think that is just the biggest turn off that you can do because right now I think especially since Co I think everybody has gotten into the online DM thing to grow their business and I don't know how many messages I get daily from appointment Setters vas um coaches that think I need a coach I mean it's just crazy how many people send me stuff like that and the first thing I'm thinking you don't even know anything about me how do you you just saw something in my profile in the click funnels group honestly yeah same here yeah they just saw something in my profile and said oh she's my ideal person but you haven't you haven't gotten to know me or what I'm struggling with or learn how you could possibly help me so I think the best thing to do to really build that connection is just to get on a call and just get to know the person hey how you doing how your mama doing kind of thing and then based on that decide maybe if there's a collaboration fit maybe what you guys could do next together again we're not talking about a sale yet and I think so many people are so caught up oh I got to make a sale today but if you're doing these kind of conversations on a regular basis I promise you girlfriend the sales are going to come okay but you gotta you got to do it strategically so just like I was telling you about those collaboration Partners if you really have the power partner that's looking out for you just like you're looking out for them you may not have the referral right now but say a week ago say a week goes by and she calls you oh girl SU told me she's looking for XYZ and I just immediately thought of you give her a call that's where the sale's going to come from and because it's a warmer market and they have already said yeah I want what you have it's GNA be so easy it's going to be so fun you guys and then on top of that that person is going to decide to refer you out as well so it just becomes this massive snowball of referrals that are coming around you and then when you start doing podcast and things like this and people like you and they know you and they trust you you're going to get even more stuff just from the organic traffic of just being who you are first before your XYZ consultant because they think you're cool okay and they were like hell whatever you're selling I want it because I like you so be a human first a mark second yes for sure for sure that's awesome so so that's kind of some of the mistakes and and a little bit of like what's working for you um let's see like what else what else do you have to share with us that you know well so I have the survey thing and really the survey is kind of like my DIY type of um offering to really help people just kind of get the to get the things started so then if you're looking for more training and mentorship on how to really build this business through relationships because I know it's a little different from what we are normally taught in direct sales a lot of the time we're we're it's like it's a numbers game I know I've heard that so many times in my business it's a numbers game yeah it's a numbers game but it's a human game too we want to make sure that we're doing human to human business and not what do you often hear B to C Business to client no it's human to human so you still got to keep that in mind and if you really want to know how to do that and kind of really grow your business to the next level through relationships then my next offering the relationship accelerator would be the next thing for you it comes in a group coaching um offering as well as a one-on-one so you can decide which one you want to do but it's really going to help you build that humant to human business really use your innate gifts not have to be that outgoing extrovert that we talked about initially but really do things that really truly feel good to you and make you feel good inside and keep the people first that's awesome I love it so cool well yeah if you're an introvert definitely hit up Ina um and you're needing a survey definitely where can we um find that I know we'll drop it in the show notes but do you have a yeah it's it's going to be at my website it's so that's i n GA effis andfrank you go there it has the uh survey you have access to the survey you can get the survey guide there and you can also register to do a uh fitting call with me if you want to see about the relationship accelerated to see if that's something that would be a good fit for you your business I love for sure so cool awesome well yeah definitely you guys like I said especially introverts because you're not going to learn step by step well actually I do have one thing called five steps to recruiting which is step byep how to build a relationship okay I've been waiting for it to drop for like two years like I don't even know I did this book collab and I'm like dude where's our book I'm like I can I pull this I can self-publish this anyways aside from that you're not really going to learn because I don't really know how to build relationships how to teach it because I just do it organically like right don't know I've always been like a connector and like I was saying my friend had to break down the step by step at the Starbucks you know like I'm like whoow that's too much like you talk to people no you know I've never done that but I can definitely relate to how she was doing it because that I could feel I could do something like that I could so yeah you have a lot of value to help people in that way because I yeah I'm like dude just do it like like I'm like sorry you should quit like this business isn't for kid but but no I love too like Michelle Cunningham you know she talks a lot about that too um she you know built her whole business being an introvert and um there is a way and sometimes I like I said I feel like introverts almost do better because they're a little bit more focused and so um sometimes being too friendly keeps me is like a disadvantage um but that's where automations come in and systems because you just got to rock your gifts whatever they are you just got to rock with You' given so yep I love it cool well hey Inga it has been so much fun to have you on thank you so much you guys be sure to go to we'll drop it in the show notes as well to grab your survey guide because this is where so many things change literally if you're not doing a survey and I'm sure she talks about the different ways you can use it for products Services opportunities use it as an application even yep when we yes exactly when we started to do this in our business everything changed we went from having 20 conversations a week a 100 million I mean one month I think I did 1883 ATM conversations you know W Messenger right we sponsored a lot of people but I think like 18 people in three weeks out of out of that okay so that's like 10% yes but anyways um you know to now having two to three you know sales conversations through application model that 100% of them practically convert wow that is awesome so sometimes we have to do a second call with them but usually but anyway so to you know definitely helps pre-qualify so I'm so glad thanks for bringing us this awesome guide and um yeah I'm excited so hope everyone has a great day and thanks for tuning in bye for now bye- bye hey I hope you got massive value from today's podcast if you did please leave us a review of what you loved I read every single comment and review and hey make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you get notified when we drop new interviews so you can stay up todate on all the ninja hacks to building a seven figure network marketing business hey by the way I have a free gift for you it's a free training made just for you to help you scale your business you can grab it below in the comments and the show notes but in exchange could you do me just one favor share this episode with someone that you think could get the same value of it that you out of it that you did and help me spread the word to help more Network marketers make less mistakes see you on the next episode of the biggest network marketing mistakes podcast


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